We are committed to your Privacy and Security. We will do our best to ensure that the information you submit remains private. Once you choose to provide us personally identifiable information (any information by which you can be identified), you can be assured that it will only be used to support your contact/client relationship with us.
For Two Reasons we will collect required information about you:
1. Order Processes
For our own records so that we can contact you for new domain name, renewals, essential information regarding changes or upgrades to services such as domain forwarding, Email and Web Hosting. We will not e-mail you in the future unless you have given us your consent. Without your agreement will not pass your e-mail address to other trusted company.
2. The only information we will keep about you is:
- Your name
- Your organization or company name (if apply)
- Your postal address
- Telephone number
- Email address
- Details of your past and current orders with us
We will never collect any sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. We never keep credit card / debit card information. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date.
Confidentiality is our guarantee to you. We respect your privacy and we are committed to protecting the personal information that you share with us. You can browse through our website without giving us any personal information. When we do need your information to provide services that you request, or when you choose to provide us with your personal or confidential business information, we guarantee that it never will be released without your permission, under any circumstances.
Soft Web Media reserves the right to modify its privacy policy as needed. Any and all changes will be reflected immediately in the statement.
If you have any questions or complaints about our Privacy Policy, please contact us at info@khmercms.com . When we receive such inquiries about our Privacy Policy, we will use the “Personal Information” (such as your e-mail address) only to respond to your question or comment.